I am inviting the reader to join me on a journey. It's about a global network with a blue and white logo that has pulled people so under its spell that it is not easy to break away from it. But quitting should at least be an option. It's a voluntary journey, not an escape. It's a discourse adventure, not a fight against evil. The journey leads away from the classic consensus via the successful social network. It takes an unconventional, self-critical path towards the goal of a healthy attitude towards the network and ideally towards yourself.

The use of social media has become part of everyday life - and it will probably stay that way. But Facebook has a very special potential to be integrated into our everyday life because the network simplifies so many things and is so entertaining.

The  Facebook algorithm was critically mentioned in Felix Stalder's lecture at re: publica 2017 [1] .  

There are initially different algorithms: 

-         those with which machines control machines (e.g. energy networks)

-         the one where machines interact with people (e.g. search engines)

-         the one where machines create the world (e.g. Facebook)

The first form, according to Stalder, requires limit values, but the user does not have to be able to look closely behind the scenes because the output is relatively clear. With search engines, it is more of interest to know how the results came about. And for the last form, for which Facebook was given as an example, it is particularly important to know the assumptions. In addition, Stalder demands local, decentralized systems and code and data must be open and decisions and processes must be traceable. It is not necessary to gain insight into all algorithms, but it should be possible to specify limits within which the interaction moves.  

That Facebook is not a government institution or charity organization is well known and perfectly legitimate. Nevertheless, many users act shockingly as if it were different. The economic interests of the network are not reprehensible - from another perspective they are even highly admirable, I don't want to deny that. But users should be clear about what this means for them personally, namely: that they are supporting a company that they consider a product with what is basically the most valuable good they own, nothing less than themselves and with most intimate data processed without adequate compensation. [2]

Feeling like you are missing out on important events, information and interactions is not a trivial fear. Does “Out of Facebook” mean “Out of Life”? It is actually a crucial question that everyone should ask themselves before moving on to the next step of deleting Facebook apps. Facebook is really an indispensable part of everyday life for most people.  

But there is more to this than being annoyed by a little personalized advertising. It's about being socially and digitally sovereign and not leaving your life story to a company with dubious intentions. From an entrepreneurial point of view, Facebook is doing everything right - but from the user's point of view it is not the right fit: Giving my most personal prize so that a company can make big money with it is not compatible with ideals such as self-determination. Nobody who is seriously aware of this can reconcile it with their common sense and human dignity. It's about setting an example and if that doesn't lead to remarkable perceived benefit, at least it might have lead to having preserved one's own integrity a little more. I am convinced that it will be worth it! Let 's go and be 'out of Facebook'!

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2tr0x1K3Lk


[2] cf. Jaron Laniers ‚Who owns the future?‘